Edward Scicluna on Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio – 24.11.2012


Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna on Saturday 24th November was a guest on the discussion program on One Radio ‘Sibt il-Punt’ presented by Manwel Micallef.

What are the reasons and implications of the position taken by Labour leader Joseph Muscat to retain the framework of the budget to be presented this week if there is a new Labour government? Why are the negotiations for the EU budget 2014-2020 undergoing so much difficulties in Brussels? And what was the work of the Labour MEP’s and difficulties faced at the European Parliament that led to the approval of Tonio Borg as European Commissioner?

Prof. Scicluna and the other guest on the programme Perit Karmenu Vella also answered questions about energy, the World Bank Report on Malta amongst other topics.



L-Ewro Parlamentari Laburista u kandidat għall-5 u t-8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna nhar is-Sibt 24 ta’ Novembru kien mistieden fuq il-programm ta’ diskussjoni ‘Sibt il-Punt’ fuq One Radio ippreżentat minn Manwel Micallef.

X’inhuma ir-raġunijiet u l-implikazzjonijiet tal-pożizzjoni li ħa l-mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat li jżomm il-qafas tal-baġit f’każ li jkun hemm gvern ġdid Laburista? Għalfejn il-baġit tal-Unjoni Ewropea għas 7 snin li ġejjin qed jgħaddi minn negozjati diffiċli fi Brussell? U x’kienet il-ħidma tal-Ewroparlamentari Laburisti u d-diffikultajiet biex wasal biex jiġi approvat Tonio Borg għall-Kummissarju Ewropew?

Il-Professur Scicluna u l-mistieden l-ieħor il-Perit Karmenu Vella wieġbu ukoll mistoqsijiet dwar l-enerġija, ir-Rapport tal-Bank Dinji dwar Malta u suġġetti oħra interessanti.





– ONE Radio : Sunday, 24th November, 2012

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