Month: November 2019

  • Creditreform upgrades Malta’s outlook to positive with an A+ rating

    Creditreform upgrades Malta’s outlook to positive with an A+ rating

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest sovereign rating issued by the German credit rating agency, Creditreform Rating, which upgraded Malta’s outlook to positive from stable, with an A+ overall rating. The upgrade reflected Creditreform’s expectation that, Malta will continue to show a strong growth performance with real GDP remaining solid over the next few…

  • Il-gvern iżomm il-wegħda tiegħu mal-eks ħaddiema tal-korpi

    Il-gvern iżomm il-wegħda tiegħu mal-eks ħaddiema tal-korpi

    Il-gvern kompla jżomm kelmtu meta għat-tielet sena konsekuttiva qed isiru pagamenti lill-eks membri tal-korpi tax-xogħol, eks ħaddiema tax-xatt u membri kurrenti jew passati tal-Korp tal-Pulizija. Dan filwaqt li diġà hemm l-assigurazzjoni li se jitħallsu r-raba’ pagamenti tul is-sena 2020. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FAMILJA, DRITTIJIET TAT-TFAL U SOLIDARJETÀ SOĊJALI U MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Dawn id-dettalji tħabbru f’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet…

  • Malta’s 2020 budget deemed compliant by the European Commission

    Malta’s 2020 budget deemed compliant by the European Commission

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the European Commission’s assessment of Malta’s 2020 Draft Budgetary Plan, which was found to be ‘Compliant’ with the requirements for 2020 under the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The Commission assesses the draft budgetary plans of the euro-area Member states which summarise the…

  • L-anzjani u l-pensjonanti huma l-prijorità ta’ dan il-gvern

    L-anzjani u l-pensjonanti huma l-prijorità ta’ dan il-gvern

    “L-anzjani u l-pensjonanti huma l-prijorità ta’ dan il-gvern. Fl-aħħar snin mhux biss żidna l-pensjonijiet imma daħħalna wkoll miżuri oħra li komplew itejbu l-ħajja tal-penzjonanti”, stqarr il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna waqt laqgħa li kellu illum mal-Għaqda Pensjonanti tal- GWU, fejn ġew spjegati d-diversi miżuri mħabbra fil-baġit għas-sena d-dieħla li jikkonċernaw lill-penzjonanti. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Fost il-miżuri…

  • It-Tkabbir Ekonomiku hu c-Cavetta ghas-Success fil-kamp socjali, edukattiv u s-Sahha

    It-Tkabbir Ekonomiku hu c-Cavetta ghas-Success fil-kamp socjali, edukattiv  u s-Sahha

      L-importanza tal-baġit trid tittieħed fl-isfond li dan hugħodda tal-gvern li jwettaq u jimplimenta miżuri biex itejjeb l-għejxien tal-poplu tiegħu. Irrid insemmi li minn mindu dan il-poplu eleġġa lil dan il-gvern seba snip IOU’s, konna kapaċi li nimplimentaw medja ta’ miżura kuljum. Filfatt, mis-sena 2013, implimentajna iktar minn elf u erba’ mitt miżura, miżuri li…

  • L-Izvilupp u l-Immigrazzjoni

    L-Izvilupp u l-Immigrazzjoni

    Il-fenomenu tal-immigrazzjoni, hu fuq nett tal-aġenda ta’ bosta pajjiżi u fuq fomm ħafna nies. U f’Malta din mhux eċċezzjoni. L-immigrazzjoni mhux xi fenomenu ġdid għal pajjiżna. Filfatt nies ta’ ċertu eta’,  jiftakru kif wara t-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija, dawk l-eluf ta’  ħaddiema Maltin li kienu jaħdmu Malta-Gvern Ingliż jiġifieri mar- Royal Navy, r-Royal Air Force u…

  • Doha High-Level Conference

    Doha High-Level Conference

      “My hope is that young people in the region can turn a vicious circle into a virtuous one. We need more empowerment followed by inclusive growth.”   This was stated by Minister for Finance Professor Edward Scicluna at the High-Level Conference on “Enriching the Middle East’s Economic Future”, focussing on opportunities and challenges facing…

  • EU needs to change its culture towards risk taking and innovation

    EU needs to change its culture towards risk taking and innovation

    “For many years after the financial crisis, EU investment and in particular investment in innovation, suffered the fate of government expenditure. As a result, R&D as a percentage of GDP in Europe is significantly lower than in the US. The EU needs to change its culture towards risk taking and innovation.” With Ms Christine LAGARDE,…

  • Malta expected to record the highest economic growth rates in the EU for the third consecutive year

    Malta expected to record the highest economic growth rates in the EU for the third consecutive year

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the 2019 Autumn Economic Forecast published by the European Commission (EC) which expects the Maltese economy to record the highest GDP growth rates in the EU for both 2020 and 2021. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The EC expects Malta’s GDP growth to amount to 4.2 per cent…

  • 5th Annual Investor Education Conference

    5th Annual Investor Education Conference

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna delivered a concluding speech at the 5th Annual Investor Education Conference, aimed at increasing the level of financial literacy amongst investors, held at the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE).   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The minister congratulated the MSE for setting up the MSE Institute and for holding…