Month: June 2019

  • Malta announces major reforms to strengthen the fight against financial crime

    Malta announces major reforms to strengthen the fight against financial crime

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna has reinforced the country’s commitment to fighting the scourge of financial crime and money laundering. The Minister unveiled new measures to boost the resources available to regulators and law enforcement as well as proposing sweeping reforms to ensure their effectiveness.   Creation of new Financial Organised Crime Agency to investigate…

  • Aktar xogħol mill-istituzzjonijiet Maltin fil-ġlieda kontra l-ħasil tal-flus

    Aktar xogħol mill-istituzzjonijiet Maltin fil-ġlieda kontra l-ħasil tal-flus

    Fil-jiem li ġejjin il-Gvern se jkun qed jippreżenta pakkett ta’ miżuri li permezz tiegħu ser ikun hemm iżjed sinerġija bejn l-istituzzjonijiet fil-ġlieda tagħhom kontra l-ħasil tal-flus. Ħabbar dan il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna waqt li kien qed jindirizza s-67 laqgħa tal-Kumitat Konġunt dwar il-Prevenzjoni tal-Ħasil tal-Flus u l-Iffinanzjar tat-Terroriżmu fi ħdan l-FIAU. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Huwa…

  • The Commercial Sanctions Tribunal

    The Commercial Sanctions Tribunal

    The Commercial Sanctions Tribunal held a meeting with the Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna at his office at the Finance Ministry and presented him with the Report for 2018. The Tribunal is composed of Chairperson Dr Jacqueline Tanti Dougal, Mr Reginald Fava and Mr Richard Matrenza.   Friday 21st June 2019

  • Dawk il-Laqgħat Bilaterali

    Dawk il-Laqgħat Bilaterali

    Fix-xogħol ta’ rutina tiegħu, kull ministru, jkollu skedat bosta laqgħat kemm ġewwa pajjiżu kif ukoll il-barra minn pajjiżu. Dawn il-laqgħat huma ta’ mportanza kbira għax hu l-aħjar mezz ta’ kif ministru jikkomunika ma’ terzi persuni ħalli jiddiskuti temi importanti għaż-żewġ naħat u jwassal il-viżżjoni tiegħu. Il-Kunsill tal-Ministri tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, irrispettiv minn liema ministeru jirrigwarda, hu…

  • Bl-Iżvilupp Ekonomiku nnaqsu l-Immigrazzjoni

    Bl-Iżvilupp Ekonomiku nnaqsu l-Immigrazzjoni

    Naħseb xi ftit jew wisq kulħadd midħla tal-banek. In-nies jiftħu l-kontijiet sabiex fihom jagħmlu d-depożiti tagħhom, min għal ftit ġimgħat, min għal sena u min għall-iżjed. Dawn il-flus il-banek iħaddmuhom billi jsellfuhom lin-nies tan-negozju li jagħmlu l-profit. Bil-profiti jitħallsu l-imgħaxijiet lil Bank u li b’hekk il-Bank ikun jista’ jħallas l-imgħaxijiet lid-depożitanti. Dawn huma l-banek kummerċjali.…

  • EIB should take note of developments arising from Med7 meeting

    EIB should take note of developments arising from Med7 meeting

    “We congratulate EIB President Hoyer and his team for good results obtained during 2018 but especially in addressing capital replacement needs, together with governance reforms and gender balance.  With regards to the future, climate change and sustainable finance will of course feature prominently in terms of priorities”. This was stated by the Minister for Finance…

  • Tgħid resqin lejn gwerra bierda bejn l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika u ċ-Ċina?

    Tgħid resqin lejn gwerra bierda bejn l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika u ċ-Ċina?

    Taqra kemm taqra fuq pajjiż, issir taf iktar u tibda tifhem aktar fuqu, wara li tkun żortu. Waqt iż-żjara tiegħi dan l-aħħar f’ Beijing, il-belt kapitali taċ-Ċina, fejn kont hemm fuq xogħol tal-Gvern, ma tistax ma tħossx mil-qrib il-ġrajjiet li qed jaffetwaw sew liċ-Ċina bħalissa, affarijiet li huma ferm kontroversjali u nkwetanti. Bla dubju ta’…

  • Malta praised for being a longstanding partner at the EBRD

    Malta praised for being a longstanding partner at the EBRD

    “We are interested in bringing together Europe and Africa, especially North Africa; we have our expertise, history, good contacts, we are trusted as honest brokers and as a small country with no political agendas which wants peace and prosperity.” This was stated by the Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna following a meeting in the presence…

  • Further institutions needed to combat organised economic crimes

    Further institutions needed to combat organised economic crimes

    “Apart from the need to have further institutions to fight organised economic crimes, there will also be a review of the roles of our institutions to ensure that there will be better enforcement and closer collaboration while speeding up the prosecution process”, said Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna during his keynote speech on ‘Combatting Financial…

  • Robust growth sustained in the first quarter of 2019

    Robust growth sustained in the first quarter of 2019

    During the first quarter of this year the Maltese economy continued to be amongst the top performing economies in the EU, growing by 4.9 per cent. In nominal terms, GDP increased by 7.4 per cent. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The year-on-year quarterly economic growth rate compared remarkably well with the average growth…