Day: May 21, 2019

  • The implications of the Digital Tax are becoming clearer and therefore Malta urges caution at EU level

    The implications of the Digital Tax are becoming clearer and therefore Malta urges caution at EU level

    “Malta was asking other member states to be cautious about going for a quick fix Digital Tax in view of the implications which are now becoming clearer, that as Europeans the impact on us could be serious and possibly ominous. This is because Europeans are mostly exporting countries and the significant loss in revenue would…

  • Titnieda l-iskema ta’ ‘Equity Sharing’

    Titnieda l-iskema ta’ ‘Equity Sharing’

    Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat nieda il-Home Equity Sharing Scheme, skema li se tgħin lil persuni ta’ aktar minn 40 sena biex anke huma jkunu jistgħu jsiru sidien ta’ darhom. STQARRIJA MILL-UFFIĊĊJU TAL-PRIM MINISTRU Il-proċess jibda meta wara li l-applikant jidentifika propjetà b’valur massimu ta’ €200,000, joħroġ minimu ta’ 10% tal-valur, u permezz tal-assi u self…