Day: April 9, 2019

  • It-tielet ċentru speċjalizzat ta’ soft launched illum

    It-tielet ċentru speċjalizzat ta’ soft launched illum

    Mil-lum iċ-ċentru speċjalizzat tat-tassazzjoni bl-isem ta’ Taxpayer Service fetaħ il-bibien tiegħu għall-pubbliku hekk kif ġie soft launched wara xogħol strutturali li sar f’dawn l-aħħar xhur. Iċ-ċentru, l-istess post li fih iċ-ċittadin kien jinqeda f’affarijiet relatati mat-taxxa fil-Furjana, ingħata dehra ġdida u b’hekk sar it-tielet ċentru speċjalizzat ta’ Minn dan iċ-ċentru, iċ-ċittadin jista’ jinqeda b’mod mill-aktar professjonali minn persuni fil-qasam…

  • Taxation and workers’ mobility discussed at the Informal ECOFIN Meeting in Bucharest

    Taxation and workers’ mobility discussed at the Informal ECOFIN Meeting in Bucharest

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna attended the Informal Meeting of the Economic and Financial Council in Bucharest on 5th and 6th April. The meeting was preceded by a Eurogroup meeting where the finance ministers held an exchange of views with the Chair of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee Robert Gualtieri and were debriefed on…