Day: January 28, 2019

  • Development Banks and Private Public Partnerships relate together, as they lead to investment which in turn leads to economic growth

    Development Banks and Private Public Partnerships relate together, as they lead to investment which in turn leads to economic growth

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated this while addressing two seminars organised by the Ministry for Finance, which discussed investment through development banks and Public Private Partnerships, on Monday 28th January 2019. “There is no such thing as too much investment” – Minister Scicluna In his speech Minister Scicluna said that the Government is seeking to…

  • Bdejna s-Sena l-Ġdida bit-Tajjeb

    Bdejna s-Sena l-Ġdida bit-Tajjeb

    Fl-ewwel ġimgħat ta’ sena ġdida nibdew nagħlqu l-kotba finanzjarji tal-Gvern tas -sena ta’ qabel. B’hekk naraw kif sejjer l-andament ta’ pajjiżna. Minn din l-istatistika wieħed jista’ jara jekk pajjiżna għadhiex ‘on-track’ fil-baġit kif Kiev ippjanat ghas-sena 2018 u kif ukoll jekk minn dan l-andament finanzjarju hux ser inżommu l-finanzi b’surplus filwaqt li d-dejn ikompli jinżel.…