Day: May 5, 2018

  • Bilateral meeting with Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs

    Bilateral meeting with Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna held a bilateral meeting with Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici. The Minister was accompanied by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Marlene Bonnici, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Finance Alfred Camilleri,and Technical Attaché Andre Gialanze. Thursday 3rd May 2018

  • It-Taxxa Diġitali

    It-Taxxa Diġitali

    It-taxxi ilhom magħna eluf kbar ta’ snin. Anke fil-Kotba Imqaddsa nsibu li “dak li hu ta’ Ċesri għandu jingħata lil Ċesri” b’referenza għall-ħlas tat-taxxi. Aktar ma għadda ż-żmien aktar kien hemm irfinar tas-sistemi tat-taxxi biex kemm jista’ jkun jimxu fuq ċerti prinċipji, bħal li fit-tħaddim ta’ taxxa m’għandekx tonfoq fuqha aktar milli tkun se ddaħħal…

  • The Central Bank of Malta’s 50th anniversary conference

    The Central Bank of Malta’s 50th anniversary conference

    “The Central Bank of Malta’s journey over the last 50 years has been one of impressive progress – from modest beginnings in 1968 to a fully-fledged member of the euro area. Its role has changed considerably, but it has always remained instrumental in supporting Malta’s economic development over the years,” stated Finance Minister Edward Scicluna.…