Month: March 2018

  • A cash surplus of €182.7 million registered in 2017

    A cash surplus of €182.7 million registered in 2017

    “We are proud to announce a cash surplus in our public finances for a second consecutive year. We are confident that when the same figure is accounted on an accrual basis for general Government, this surplus would be maintained. As a Government, we intend to maintain this momentum in drastically reducing the national debt, which…

  • Malta recorded highest increase in employment among member states

    Malta recorded highest increase in employment among member states

    Amongst the 28 EU member states, Malta recorded the highest increase in employment when compared to the previous quarter. In the fourth quarter of 2017, employment increased by 1.6 per cent in the euro area when compared with the same quarter of the previous year.     According to the Labour Force Survey for the…

  • In Algiers for official meetings

    In Algiers for official meetings

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna visited Algiers, Algeria, at the invitation of the Algerian Minister of Finance, the World Bank and the Arab Monetary Fund, to address a High-level Regional Conference tackling the issues of ‘Youth, Technology and Finance’. The two-day regional conference brought together entrepreneurs from around the globe, renowned academicians, and senior policymakers.…

  • Central Government debt down by €261 million in the first two months

    Central Government debt down by €261 million in the first two months

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the latest Government Finance Data published by the NSO which shows that at the end of February 2018, Central Government Debt decreased from €5,670 million in February 2017 to €5,409 million, down by €261 million or 4.6 per cent. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE This confirms that…

  • European Commission’s Malta Country Report 2018

    European Commission’s Malta Country Report 2018

    “On April 11th, the government will be communicating a strategic plan to strengthen its institutions, combat money laundering and fight tax evasion after engaging an international consultancy firm which carried out a national risk assessment of the financial institutions. To oversee the implementation of this plan, a National Coordinating Committee, with its own permanent secretariat,…

  • Il-vot tal-PE favur sistema ta’ taxxi ġdida.. X’IMPATT GĦANDU FUQ PAJJIŻNA?

    Il-vot tal-PE favur sistema ta’ taxxi ġdida.. X’IMPATT GĦANDU FUQ PAJJIŻNA?

    Fost is-suġġetti l-aktar mitħaddta fil-jiem li għaddew kien hemm dak dwar it-taxxa, primarjament fuq skala Ewropea. Kien hemm rapporti dwar x’kien diskuss u miftiehem fil-Kunsill tal-Ministri, fil-Kummissjoni Ewropea u anke rapporti dwar stqarrijiet pubbliċi u mal-midja li saru mill-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi Ewropew. Stqarrijiet li ma tantx kienu sbieħ u li mbagħad ingħaqad kollox ma’ kollox bil-vot…

  • FISCALIS Conference on the implementing rules on the VAT E-Commerce Directive

    FISCALIS Conference on the implementing rules on the VAT E-Commerce Directive

    Things are changing everywhere around us and such changes have also affected the way we do things. Today, technology has advanced to a point that it is no longer necessary to have your physical presence in a shop to purchase a product.  You just stay at home, log into the internet, and make an online…



    IT-THEDDIDA TAL-POLITIKA KUMMERĊJALI TA’ DONALD TRUMP Il-politika tal-President Amerikan Donald Trump issa draha kulħadd: America first, l-Amerika l-ewwel, għajta popolista li mad-daqqa t’għajn jaqbel magħha kulħadd. Kulħadd ikun jixtieq li pajjiżu jkun l-ewwel. M’hemm xejn ħażin f’dan. Imma meta mbagħad din l-għajta ġġebbidha u għal dan il-għan tasal biex tuża metodi ta’ protezzjoni anke kummerċjali…

  • Estiża b’sitt xhur miżura fiskali favur trasferiment ta’ negozju tal-familja

    Estiża b’sitt xhur miżura fiskali favur trasferiment ta’ negozju tal-familja

    Miżura fiskali li kienet tħabbret mill-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna fid-diskors tal-Budget 2016 u li kienet tikkonċerna trasferiment ta’ negozji tal-familja fi ħdan l-istess familja, issa ġiet estiża sat-30 ta’ Settembru ta’ din is-sena. L-avviż legali (A.L.) rispettiv jinħareġ il-ġimgħa d-dieħla. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Permezz ta’ din il-miżura, negozji tal-familja li kienu qed jgħaddu minn ġenerazzjoni għall-oħra permezz ta’…

  • Visit at the KSU Careers and Research Expo 2018

    Visit at the KSU Careers and Research Expo 2018

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna visited the 25 companies participating in the KSU Careers and Research Expo 2018 held at the University Campus. He was welcomed and shown around the stalls by KSU Vice President Steve Zammit Lupi and Education Commissioner Jacob Portelli. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Both private and public-sector companies, representing…