Day: June 16, 2017

  • The Maltese Presidency commended for successfully steering forward the European Union agenda

    The Maltese Presidency commended for successfully steering forward the European Union agenda

    The Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union has chaired its last ECOFIN Council today, which was held in Luxembourg, and chaired by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna. This meeting ended a very successful and highly commendable performance by the Maltese Presidency of the Economic and Financial matters of the council.   Malta,…

  • Prospetti sbieħ

    Prospetti sbieħ

    Ma nistax nibda dan l-artiklu wara l-elezzjoni mingħajr ma nirringrazja lil kulħadd u nisperaw illi l-ħidma tul din il-leġiżlatura f’dawn il-ħames snin li ġejjin tkun ta’ sodisfazzjon bħalma kienet dik ta’ qabilha fl-aħħar erba’ snin li għaddew.   Jekk tiftakru sew qabel l-elezzjoni kien hemm dak l-istorbju, kritika u kummenti għaddejjin, wieħed jgħaddi fuq l-ieħor…