Month: May 2017

  • Tax dues to be settled at MaltaPost branches as of July

    Tax dues to be settled at MaltaPost branches as of July

    The Ministry for Finance has reached an agreement with MaltaPost plc whereby taxpayers will be able to pay their income tax and social security contributions at MaltaPost branches throughout Malta and Gozo.   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna said that thanks to this agreement, taxpayers who prefer to…

  • Niddefendi lil Pajjiżi

    Niddefendi lil Pajjiżi

    Hekk kif il-kampanja elettorali daħlet fl-aħħar fażi tagħha, aħna li qed nikkontestaw inkunu mhedijin fl-attivitajiet tal-partit, nitkellmu fuq programmi tar-radju u t-televiżjoni u niltaqgħu man-nies fi djarhom u f’ attivitajiet li norganizzaw. Però għal darbtejn matul din il-kampanja, jiena kelli nitlaq kollox minn idi biex naqdi dover importanti, dak li niddefendi lill-pajjiżi barra ninn Malta…

  • Maltese Presidency secures the 2nd legislative agreement on EU tax-related matters

    Maltese Presidency secures the 2nd legislative agreement on EU tax-related matters

    An agreement between EU Member States on Double Taxation Dispute Resolution Mechanisms has been secured by the Maltese Presidency at an ECOFIN Council Meeting in Brussels, chaired by Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna. This is the second agreement secured by the Maltese Presidency on tax-related matters, aimed at combating tax inefficiencies and tax evasion.  …

  • Malta Stock Exchange in discussions with Thomson Reuters

    Malta Stock Exchange in discussions with Thomson Reuters

    “I am very happy to learn that the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) is currently in discussions with multinational Thomson Reuters over collaboration in various fields, especially training programmes for the MENA regim”, said Finance Minister Edward Scicluna at the official opening of the Malta Stock Exchange Institute in Mosta. MSE Chairman Joseph Portelli added that…

  • Minister Edward Scicluna addresses Financial Services Practitioners

    Minister Edward Scicluna addresses Financial Services Practitioners

    Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna reiterated that Malta, as a member of the EU, is a financial and tax jurisdiction which has successfully undergone various routine due diligence checks from both the EU and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).     In his keynote speech, delivered at the 10th Finance Malta…

  • Minister Edward Scicluna addresses German media in Berlin

    Minister Edward Scicluna addresses German media in Berlin

    On Tuesday, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna addressed the Germany press at the Maltese Embassy in Berlin, where he dispelled fake news appearing on the German media. He also gave a description of Malta’s tax regime, and an account of the work in progress related to the Council Presidency.   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY…

  • Finance Minister to address German media in Berlin

    Finance Minister to address German media in Berlin

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna has left Malta for Berlin where he will address the German press following baseless and highly damaging fabricated allegations which have been circulated in the media in Germany with the clear intent of discrediting the Maltese financial services industry. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The Minister will refer…

  • Proposti elettorali bi ħsieb

    Proposti elettorali bi ħsieb

    L-ekonomija tagħna għaddejja tajjeb u għalhekk m’ għandiex bżonn xi stimolu speċjali, bħal magna ta’ karozza li tkun għaddejja fuq il-highway b’veloċità tajba u aħna rridu inżommu dak ir-ritmu li rnexxielna nilħqu. Għalhekk ninkwetaw meta naraw lil min jipprova jtellef il-kisbiet tagħna. La dan huwa l-iskop tagħna, allura wieħed  forsi jistaqsi, għalfejn qed tipproponu aktar…

  • Our country’s best days

    Our country’s best days

    Now that Government has succeeded in achieving a new level of growth for the Maltese economy while obtaining the desired fiscal position, it can afford to focus more on improving the take-home income of Maltese and Gozitan families. This will ensure that everyone living in our economy is enjoying a higher level of income enabling…

  • Il-laqgħat f’Washington u l-andament ekonomiku dinji

    Il-laqgħat f’Washington u l-andament ekonomiku dinji

    Ħmistax ilu attendejt għall-laqgħat tal-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali (IMF) u tal-Bank Dinji f’Washington fl-Istati Uniti, li jsiru flimkien darbtejn fis-sena. Magħhom, attendejt ukoll għal-laqgħa tal-Ministri tal-Finanzi tal-G20, peress li Malta għandha l-presidenza tal-Kunsill tal-EU u jiena l-President tal-ECOFIN. Miegħi kelli sew lil Gvernatur u anke lid-Deputat Gvernatur tal-Bank Ċentrali. Għaldaqstant, irrapreżentajt lill-Unjoni Ewropea f’din il-laqgħa flimkien…