Day: January 13, 2017

  • Ir-riskju meqjus

    Ir-riskju meqjus

    Ir-riskju bħala kunċett huwa bbażat fuq il-probabiltà li fil-futur, ser tiġri xi ħaġa. Meta nitkellmu fuq riskju, jiġuna f’moħħna l-aċċidenti, bħal pereżempju r-riskju assoċċjat mas-sewqan ta’ xi vettura, jew li tivvjaġġa permezz tal-ajruplan, vapur jew ferrovija. Hemm min, biex jiċċajta, jgħid li saħansitra s-sempliċi fatt li jmur jorqod fis-sodda jippreżenta ċertu ammont ta’ riskju, għax…

  • Record low 2016 third quarter deficit

    Record low 2016 third quarter deficit

    The Quarterly Accounts for General Government, published today by the NSO, show that the Government has succeeded in recording the lowest third quarter deficit since data on the General Government deficit started being compiled.   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Indeed, the General Government deficit for the third quarter of 2016 fell…

  • Indeed, a shocking matter

    Indeed, a shocking matter

    The recent issue of the alleged shocking €250 million over-spend by the Government for 2016 is an eye-opener to the independent-minded observer of the shabby way important issues are sometimes treated, with hardly any respect to the intelligence of the population at large. Here we have a subject which for any Opposition should be an…