Month: November 2016

  • Creditreform assigns A+ rating to Malta

    Creditreform assigns A+ rating to Malta

    German credit rating agency Creditreform Rating AG assigned an A+ long-term sovereign rating to Malta and described its outlook as stable. Creditreform Rating AG, which forms part of the worldwide operating Creditreform Group, was established in 2000 and is considered as one of the leading rating agencies in Europe.   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE…

  • Level of expertise of financial practitioners plays a role in attracting foreign investment

    “What is attracting foreign investors to invest and set their operations in Malta, is much more than taxation. It is the standards and level of expertise of its professionals”, stated Finance Minister Edward Scicluna when he was addressing the bi-annual conference organised by the Malta Institute of Accountants. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE…

  • 2016 deficit falls by half up to October

    2016 deficit falls by half up to October

    Latest government finance data published by the National Statistics Office (NSO) shows a reduction of almost €100 million in the consolidated fund deficit in the period January to October of this year. As a result the deficit for the ten-month period was halved.   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The significant reduction in…

  • Ir-rwol ta’ Malta fil-Presidenza tal-Kunsill tal-UE

    Ir-rwol ta’ Malta fil-Presidenza tal-Kunsill tal-UE

    S’issa naħseb li kulħadd sema’ bil-Presidenza tal-Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea, u li Malta ser tassumi din il-presidenza għall-ewwel sitt xhur tas-sena d-dieħla Però, xi tfisser il-Presidenza? Bħal ma nafu, l-Unjoni Ewropea taħdem permezz ta’ tliet istituzzjonijiet. L-ewwel waħda hija l-Kummissjoni, fejn hemm 28 kummissarju taħt it-tmexxija ta’ Jean-Claude Juncker. Imbagħad għandek żewġ istituzzjonijiet oħra li għandhom…

  • Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem meets Finance Minister Edward Scicluna

    Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem meets Finance Minister Edward Scicluna

    Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem pledged to work closely with Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna during his tenure as President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN). During a press briefing given today at the Ministry for Finance in Valletta, Mr Dijsselbloem, who is also the Minister of Finance of the Netherlands, praised Malta’s strong…

  • Presidency of the EU Council is a unique opportunity for Malta

    Presidency of the EU Council is a unique opportunity for Malta

    The Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union opens up a window of opportunity for Malta to let its own outlook be known to Europe and the world, stated Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna as he addressed the Institute of Financial Services (IFS) annual dinner.   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE…

  • X’hemm wara r-riżultati elettorali fir-Renju Unit u l-Amerika

    X’hemm wara r-riżultati elettorali fir-Renju Unit u l-Amerika

    Ir-riżultat tal-elezzjoni għall-President tal-Istati Uniti tal-Amerka kulħadd sema’ bih, riżultat li donnu ixxokkja lil bosta, fosthom lill-media, kif ukoll ċertu politiċi Ewropej. Però wieħed jista’ jgħid l-istess ħaġa għax-xokk li ta lil kulħadd ir-riżultat tar-referendum li sar f’Ġunju li għadda fir-Renju Unit, fejn il-poplu, għallinqas fil-maġġoranza tiegħu, wera x-xewqa li joħroġ mill-Unjoni Ewropea. It-tnejn huma…

  • Minister Scicluna meets with German Banking Association delegation

    Minister Scicluna meets with German Banking Association delegation

    Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed a delegation of the German Banking Association at the Ministry for Finance. During the meeting, Minister Scicluna expounded on the agenda for the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, especially in relation to banking and financial markets.   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR…

  • Żbalji bażiċi ekonomiċi

    Żbalji bażiċi ekonomiċi

    Id-diskussjoni tal-baġit għaddiet ukoll. Jekk ngħidilkom li ntużat statistika skont il-konvenjenza minn min ried jikkritika l-baġit, żgur li m’intomx sa tkunu sorpriżi. Din id-darba però mhux biss l-interpretazzjoni ta’ statistika illi ġiet mgħawġa, iżda anke l-użu tal-metodoloġija li biha tinġabar. Ħa nkun ċar, fuq naħa waħda għandek oppożizzjoni li tgħid illi l-pagi minn sena għall-oħra waqgħu b’mod reali u l-istess anke għall-produzzjoni. Minn naħa l-oħra il-Gvern qed…

  • Minister Scicluna meets with counterparts ahead of Maltese Presidency of the EU

    Minister Scicluna meets with counterparts ahead of Maltese Presidency of the EU

    Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna held a series of bilateral meetings with the Italian Minister of Finance Pier Carlo Padoan, the Irish Minister for Finance Michael Noonan, Norway’s Minister of Finance Siv Jensen, as well as with Klaus-Heiner Lehne, President of the European Court of Auditors, on the margins of the ECOFIN Council and…