Day: July 15, 2016

  • Current turmoil in MENA region to be fought by education and job creation

    Current turmoil in MENA region to be fought by education and job creation

    The current turmoil in the EU, the Middle East and North Africa is undermining economic growth in the region. Dialogue, networking and cooperation are the tools through which this impasse can be overcome.   Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna made this statement today whilst addressing the Malta-Libya-Tunisia-Algeria-Morocco Trade Exhibition & B2B Networking Forum event entitled…

  • Medjatur Onest

    Medjatur Onest

    Iktar ma jgerrbu l-ġranet u joqrob iż-żmien li fih Malta tassumi l-presidenza tal-Unjoni Ewropea, jiġifieri f’Jannar tas-sena d-dieħla, aktar qegħda tikber l-istennija tal-ġurnalisti, ambaxxaturi, u osservaturi sabiex isiru jafu x’tip ta’ Presidenza ser tkun dik Maltija. Din il-kurżità hija evidenti mill-mod ta’ kif dawn qed jistaqsu lilna l-ministri x’hemm ippreparat mill-Gvern Malti. Huma għatxana sabiex…

  • #133 – Are rules meant to be broken?

    #133 – Are rules meant to be broken?

      The EU has gone to great lengths to set up rules on the fiscal conduct of its member states with a set of penalties to be imposed on those states who do not abide by these rules. Should the EU go hard on these countries in order to set an example for all and…