Day: March 6, 2015

  • Sinjal b’Saħħtu kontra l-Prekarjat

    Sinjal b’Saħħtu kontra l-Prekarjat

    B’Avviż Legali li ġie ppublikat illum twaqqaf Tribunal għal Sanzjonijiet Kummerċjali fejn kumpaniji li jkomplu jippersistu fl-użu ta’ prattiki tal-prekarjat se jkunu blacklisted. Ħabbar dan il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat f’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fil-Berġa Kastilja. Minn issa ’l quddiem kumpanija mhux biss titlef il-kuntratt li jkollha mal-Gvern iżda ma tkunx tista’ tieħu sehem f’kuntratti oħra ta’ servizz…

  • Government determined to ensure that Tax Authorities fulfil obligations towards taxpayer

    Government determined to ensure that Tax Authorities fulfil obligations towards taxpayer

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna underlined that the Government will ensure that tax authorities fulfil their obligations towards taxpayers, as is required by taxpayers’ rights. The Minister was delivering the opening address of a MIM International Taxation Conference on Taxpayers’ rights in a changing international landscape, which was held on Friday 6th March…

  • The Role of Capital in the Economy – Videoblog 82

    The Role of Capital in the Economy – Videoblog 82

    Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the importance of capital within the context of economic growth. He explains that the higher the capital within an economy as a ratio of its GDP, the higher its potential to grow and expand. – Friday, 6th March 2015