Month: February 2015

  • Three country reports about Malta – Videoblog 81

    Three country reports about Malta – Videoblog 81

    During his weekly blog, the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses three reports issued by two leading European institutions and the rating agency Fitch on Malta which were published in recent days.     He notes that the first two reports on Malta, published by the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund respectively,…

  • Fitch states that Malta outperformed the average performance of ‘A’ rated countries

    Fitch states that Malta outperformed the average performance of ‘A’ rated countries

    In this report published on 27th February 2015, Fitch Ratings has reaffirmed Malta’s ‘A’ Rating with a stable outlook. Fitch states that Malta’s robust economic growth has continued to outperform that of euro area countries, and also exceeded the median growth rate of countries classified under the same ‘A’ credit rating.     Fitch describes…

  • Il-Gvern ikompli jassisti l-investiment Malti fil-Libja

    Il-Gvern ikompli jassisti l-investiment Malti fil-Libja

    Il-Gvern Malti jrid jiċċara, li għall-kuntrarju tal-impressjoni li qed tagħti l-Oppożizzjoni, ittieħdu diversi miżuri intiżi li jgħinu lill-Investiment Malti fil-Libja, u li jmorru ferm lil hinn mill-miżuri meħuda mill-amministrazzjoni preċedenti fl-2011 meta faqqgħet ir-rivoluzzjoni fil-Libja. Il-Malta Enterprise qed isservi ta’ punt ta’ referenza għal kumpaniji milqgħuta, fejn tim li twaqqaf apposta fi ħdan l-istess korporazzjoni…

  • European Commission recognises Malta’s CSR progress on various fronts

    European Commission recognises Malta’s CSR progress on various fronts

    The European Commission has recognised the progress made by Malta on multiple fronts in addressing its Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs). Commenting on the European Commission’s Country Report for Malta, published on Thursday 26th February 2015, the Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated, “I am delighted that the word ‘progress’ features so often in the Overview…

  • Courtesy Call from Russian Ambassador

    Courtesy Call from Russian Ambassador

      [nggallery id=246]   – Thursday, 26th February, 2015

  • Il-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali jirrevedi ‘l fuq it-Tbassir Ekonomiku għal Malta

    Il-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali jirrevedi ‘l fuq it-Tbassir Ekonomiku għal Malta

    ​Wara li l-Kummissjoni Ewropea rrevediet ‘l fuq it-tbassir tagħha tal-andament ekonomiku ta’ pajjiżna, issa kien imiss lill-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali (IMF). F’Ottubru li għadda, esperti tal-IMF kienu bassru li t-tkabbir ekonomiku ta’ pajjiżna se jkun 2.2% fl-2014 u l-istess fl-2015. Fir-rapport li ħareġ issa, dan it-tbassir ġie rivedut għal 3.1% kemm fl-2014 kif ukoll fl-2015.  …

  • Our interest in Greek saga

    On the financial front, Greece took centre stage last week, with an insurmountable problem to solve. The ever-increasing burden of the public debt, now standing at 175 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and its 25 per cent cut in its GDP since the beginning of the crises, with a similar figure of…

  • Extraordinary Eurogroup, Ecofin and EIB Meetings – February 2015

    Extraordinary Eurogroup, Ecofin and EIB Meetings – February 2015

    Edward SCICLUNA, Minister for Finance of Malta, at the Eurogroup meeting on 11 February 2015, in Brussels. Eurozone finance ministers participate in an Extraordinary Eurogroup meeting on 11 February 2015 in Brussels. Eurozone finance ministers participate in an Extraordinary Eurogroup meeting on 11 February in Brussels.The Economic and Financial Affairs Council takes stock of progress…

  • Pensions model results confirm pension system not in crisis but attention still required

    Pensions model results confirm pension system not in crisis but attention still required

    The Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna announced that the Pensions Model underlying other policy studies about the sustainability of Malta’s pension system will be published shortly and will serve as the basis for broad-based consultation with all stakeholders as to the way forward. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during the closing address of a seminar titled…

  • Commissioner Pierre Moscovici acknowledges Malta’s debt and deficit reduction efforts

    Commissioner Pierre Moscovici acknowledges Malta’s debt and deficit reduction efforts

    Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici has recognised Malta’s success in containing and reducing the national deficit and debt, whilst noting that Malta’s economic performance has exceeded the EU average.   Press Statement by the Ministry for Finance   Commissioner Moscovici stated this during the discussions held with the Minister…