Day: August 7, 2014

  • Significant Employment Increases in sensitive sectors

    Significant Employment Increases in sensitive sectors

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed the figures published by the National Statistics Office which showed a record increase in both full-time and part-time employment, particularly in sensitive sectors. According to the figures on the gainfully-occupied population published by the NSO on Wednesday 6th August 2014, in March 2014 full-time employment increased by…

  • Jesploraw opportunitajiet għall-koperazzjoni

    Jesploraw opportunitajiet għall-koperazzjoni

    Malta u l-EBRD Kelli bosta okkażjo­ni­jiet li nitkellem dwar il-banek kbar tal-investiment u l-iżvilupp (Development Banks). Dan għax dawn il-banek għandhom rwol essenzjali fl-iżvilupp infrastrutturali kif ukoll soċjali ta’ pajjiżi li għadhom qed jiżviluppaw. Fost dawn il-banek tant importanti hemm il-Bank tal-Investiment Ewropew (EIB), bank li bl-assistenza tiegħu bħala membru stat tal-Unjoni Ewropea, Malta wettqet,…