Category: Students & Workers

  • Bologna Process

    Bologna Process

    In 25 May 1998, the Ministers in charge of higher education in France, Germany, Italyand the UK signed the Sorbonne declaration on harmonisation of the architecture of the European higher education system, a document preceding the Bolognadeclaration. Source: The Bologna process was launched after 29 Education Ministers signed a DeclarationinBologna in June 1999 to reform the structures of their higher education systems. Each signatory…

  • Parliament focuses on teaching quality in education reform

    Parliament focuses on teaching quality in education reform

    Life-long learning and promoting new skills such as media and ICT literacy will be key if Europe is to become a world leader in education and training by 2010, argues a European Parliament report approved yesterday (18 December). Published: Friday 19 December 2008 Source: More on this topic: LinksDossier: Lifelong learning LinksDossier: Entrepreneurship in Europe News: EU…