Category: Statistics

  • European Commission adopts Scicluna proposals on statistical governance

    European Commission adopts Scicluna proposals on statistical governance

    Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna today welcomed the European Commission’s decision to adopt a series of recommendations he had made in his report “Towards robust quality management for European Statistics,” which was approved by the European Parliament in March. Prof Scicluna, who leads the Parliament’s Economic committee on European statistics, earlier this week presented a…

  • Il-gideb u l-istatistika

    Il-gideb u l-istatistika

    Fejn tidħol l-istatistika, l-istorja tal-Unjoni Ewropea mhix sabiħa. Kellna iktar minn pajjiż wieħed li għawweġ il-figuri u uża dak li ngħidulu ‘creative accounting’, numri b’ħafna rtokk  kosmetiku. Imbagħad kien hemm pajjiż, il-Greċja, li għal żmien twil ippreżenta statistika li ma kienet reali xejn, kienet falza, u tat stampa li xejn ma kienet tirrifletti s-sitwazzjoni tal-pajjiż.…

  • Economic Committee adopts Edward Scicluna’s report on European statistics

    Economic Committee adopts Edward Scicluna’s report on European statistics

    Labour MEP Edward Scicluna’s Report on the Quality Management of European Statistics was approved with an overwhelming majority by the European Parliament´s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee.   The report focused on improving the quality of European Statistics by improving the independence of statistical agencies and the quality of upstream data collected especially from government…

  • Scicluna starts work as European statistical governance Rapporteur

    Scicluna starts work as European statistical governance Rapporteur

    Labour MEP Edward Scicluna has been appointed as the European Parliament’s Rapporteur on Robust Quality Management of European Statistics. The report by Prof Scicluna, who is Vice-Chairman of the Parliament’s Economic committee, will include the Parliament’s recommendations on seeking agreement on a quality management framework for EU statistics related to the economic governance package. Prof…

  • Government math is “flawed” says economist

    Government math is “flawed” says economist

    Government’s calculation showing how a reduction of public holidays which fall on a weekend will increase productivity by around 1.5 per cent in 2005 is flawed and the workings presented to the social partners are “a childish attempt at economic estimation” according to economist Edward Scicluna. Speaking to The Malta Financial and Business Times, the…